November 28, 2008


Like many of you, I've been spending a lot of time following the horrible news from Mumbai.

Sometimes when these awful incidents occur, it almost begins to seem that all the accounts from witnesses and survivors are blending together. But when a CNN broadcaster interviewed Jonathan Ehrlich earlier today, something was different.

From the safety of Vancouver, Ehrlich told CNN about his frightening experience in Mumbai, where he was staying at the Oberoi hotel.

Ehrlich said he feels even more blessed now than he did before--he's got a good life, and he's always recognized that, and now he feels even luckier. Among his thoughts, when talking about how fortunate he is to have escaped from the terrorists in his hotel: "First of all, I'm Jewish, and if they knew I was Jewish, I'd be dead...."

Which led the interviewer to bring up the targeting of the Chabad House and ask Ehrlich how it feels to be part of a group of people "that was purposely targeted."

"The sad truth of it is is that Jews are a target everywhere because of who they are," Ehrlich said. But, he added that "We're tough, we can take it," and we will go on.

Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya'ase shalom aleinu v'al kol Yisrael, v'imru amein. (May the source of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort to all who are bereaved. And let us say, Amen.)

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