January 15, 2009

Source of Comfort: Avinu Malkeinu

Lately, I've been seeking comfort by finding and listening to Hebrew prayers/music on the Internet. From time to time, I'll share some of my discoveries here. Today's offering: Barbra Streisand's rendition of the Avinu Malkeinu ("Our Father, Our King"), which is chanted during our High Holy Days. And for an alternate melody, but one that's equally familiar to me, listen to this clip from a cantorial concert.

You'll hear all Hebrew; I am looking for a complete translation online (something resembling what I'm used to seeing in the Gates of Repentance) prayerbook, but have not yet found one. Meantime, here's the best I can do.

1 comment:

cee said...

I hope that this helps. I have left out the Hebrew transliteration as each paragraph starts with Avinu Malkeinu making it easy to reference.

In the Reform prayer book GATES OF PRAYER-Days of Awe the translation is as follows

Our Father, Our king, hear are prayer.

Our Father, Our king let the gates of heaven be open to our plea.

Our Father, Our king Let this be an hour of compassion and favor.

Our Father, Our king give strength to Your people Israel.

Our Father, Our king remember those slain for their love of your name.

Our Father, Our king remember those who went through fire and water for your sake.

Our Father, Our king be mindful of us, and help us.

Our Father, Our king inscribe us in the book of forgiveness

Our Father, Our king inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life

Our Father, Our king Inscribe us in the Book of deliverance and redemption

Our Father, Our king be gracious and answer us, for we have little merit, Treat us generously and with kindness and be our help.